Tuesday, September 8, 2009

So sorry!!!!

So sorry to my regular viewers! I spelled Charmaine Sheh wrongly for all my previous posts but i edited it! Only noticed it when YT told me! Tks to her! (HAHA)...Btw so sorry that i never update my blog nowadays cause i am busier but will promise to update whenever i can! Btw, something happened to me yesterday, it felt like I juz out of love! A boy whom i kinda like told me he hates me, n he said that i was irritating! He told me when Vicki signalled him to, so i guessed it was all Vicki's work but when i asked him, he said that he juz tell from his mouth, not from other's command... felt sad that time but felt much better now cause boys are not everything! wakaka ok, bye bloggy!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sunday again!!!

Bet it's another boring day... woke up in the morning, then later juz played com and ate and did nothing else... going to grandma's house later and i bet i will end my day like that...so bored...bye!

Belated b'day to YT and Belle!!!

Happy belated b'day to Yuan Ting n Anabelle! Congrats that they are a year older and more mature! Juz knew my class ranking yesterday, did not do very well... So sorry that i never add entries for Thursday n Friday cause i had to go celebrate belated Teacher's day at church on Friday! had quite a good time! played games, sang songs and more... Wishes teacher Joy, autie Pearl n autie Serine a belated Teacher's day!!! maybe going to add pics now! Bye bloggy!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Charmaine Sheh in Forensic Hero 2!!!

This is cool!!! I love it!!! I love seeing Charmaine Sheh being a cop!!! love her forever!!!

This is the one!

This is the one i was talking about! "You're hired"! I havent watched it yet but will rent the disc once PSLE is over!!! Charmaine Shen is also in this show!

Pic of my favourite actress!!!

This is the picture of 1 of my favourite TVB actress, Charmaine Sheh! She is pretty,kind(unlike YT) n a lot more words to describe her! She recently filmed "You're hired" n "宫心计"! Ok, will post more pics to this blog!


Juz went tuition juz now! wasted my 2h there! Hate tuition!!! Came back not long ago and then watch tv and ate instant noodles for dinner! (my favourite!) Bye,bloggy!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


今天老师公布了华文和数学的成绩。我还算不错啦,数学97分和华文87.5分。最气我的是我最讨厌的人Vicki Tay和Eunice 都赢我,幸好我的数学赢他们!我也输给了员庭在华文!我现在最担心的是我的英文!只要能拿A,我就很满足了!我好恨自己,我的数学原本可以拿99 或100分的!再见了!Pls note: Eunice only beat me in chinese by 1 mark or less than 1 mark, so no big deal! She got pethetic marks for her Math, like YT,both got 91 or 92! Yeah! This is worth to celebrate! Will know my HMT result tomorro! Looking forward to knowing it! Hope i am not the lowest and that i beat Eunice Tay! better call her to watch out!


Had nothing to do all day so I juz watched tv all day! I even watched " Don't forget the lyrics!", so lame!!!


Happy Teacher's Day!!! May all teachers be blessed as they continue to motivate their students to bring out the best of them tomorrow!!! 我祝所有的老师教师节快乐!!! 当每一位老师都在忙时,我 想大家应该在老师们特别的日子祝福以及感谢他们,因为没有他们,就没有今天的我们!!!